Every time we wake up we constantly notice that our vision is not better, but worse than usual! As soon as we get out of bed, we wash, put in order, and there is an improvement in vision.
What can it be connected to? This is primarily due to the fact that the eye muscles constantly need exercises to restore vision after a long sleep. The ideal option is morning gymnastics for the eyes. It has been scientifically proven that the eye muscles do not rest at all during sleep. Surely many of you have observed short-term eye movements in a sleeping person. But the fact is that the muscles that are able to regulate the curvature of the eyeball do not obey the commands of consciousness.
And while our consciousness is latent, the eye muscles do not sleep, they remain in constant tension, as they are controlled by the brain centers that are awake during sleep.
This is where the whole difficulty is to make the eye muscles relax or tighten, depending on what kind of vision correction is needed. Special eye exercises (eye gymnastics) have been developed for such cases.
In addition, there is a suitable time to act on the muscles of the eyes. Right at the moment when our body enters the waking state, it is advisable not to miss this opportunity and do the exercises to restore vision below, which will not take much time, but will fully prepare the eye muscles for work.
How to do morning gymnastics for the eyes
Exercise 1
To relax your spine and body muscles, which were virtually immobile and tense during sleep, first stretch well. You've probably seen cats and other animals do this when they wake up.
After drinking, turn well from one side to the other, breathing deeply. Deep breathing improves blood circulation in the body.
Exercise 2
Open your mouth wide, then open your eyes wide. Then open your mouth and eyes wide at the same time. This eye exercise should be done four times.
Exercise 3
Close your eyes as hard as you can seven times. Then blink quickly. Try to blink calmly and easily. Quite frequent blinking has a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes and moisturizes the eyes more. Many emphasize that it is after frequent blinking that visual acuity increases.
Exercise 4
For better relaxation of the neck muscles, try to write each letter of the alphabet with the tip of your nose in the air. You can write absolutely whatever you want. It is best to do this eye exercise with your eyes closed. Such an eye exercise can be performed anywhere - at work, on public transport, on the street or at home. All you have to do is draw numbers, shapes, letters, various corner shapes and drawings. After this action, your eyes will automatically move. This exercise has a positive effect not only on the eyes but also on the body as a whole.
Exercise 5
Lower and raise your eyebrows up and down until you feel movement in your ears. Such an exercise improves the appearance, tone of facial muscles, blood supply and as a result has a positive effect on vision.
Exercise 6
Make palms for four to five minutes. Then your eyes are completely ready for work.